Active overlay for analyses to combine similar data onto a single plot for easy comparison.Deeper Visualization of 2D/3D Systems and Data (All Editions) – usability improvements in OpticStudio 15.5 enable you to see multiple aspects of your designs, easier, faster and with greater detail.Splitting the constraints into separate targets delivers speed improvements up to 18x faster with better results. Faster Optimization for Classic Lens Designs (All Editions) – a new merit function wizard in OpticStudio 15.5 enables separate, user defined glass and air boundary constraints for each surface of an imaging or afocal system.Deeper, easier visualization of 2D/3D optical system designs.Incorporate high-resolution holograms and phase masks into optical system designs.
OpticStudio 15 adds speed, capability, convenience, and flexibility to the most widely used optical and illumination design software in the industry.